A Novel Approach
Restoration of Ear Health Post Treatment1*†

Healthier ears have a score of 4 or less and healthy ears score 3 or less.
Early clinical improvement is followed by a return to ear health.
Well-Tolerated in Safety studies in Dogs1

A single dose of MOMETAMAX ULTRA™ was effective, well-tolerated with safety demonstrated, in client-owned dogs with acute otitis externa or acute flare-ups of recurrent otitis externa.

Reversible, minimal to mild atrophy of the epidermis of external ear canal or epithelial lining of tympanum in dogs administered the recommended treatment dose three times at 2-week intervals.

No treatment-related adverse reactions were observed in clinical trials.

Baseline and ACTH-stimulated cortisol concentrations in dogs administered the recommended treatment dose, three times at 2-week intervals, were not significantly different from placebo-treated dogs.
Cortisol increased in all groups (1x, 3x and 5x) in response to ACTH stimulation after cessation of treatment, indicating sufficient adrenal function as well as reversible effects even at higher doses.

Designed With a Dog’s Ear Anatomy in Mind
The 0.8-ml dose enters by gravity flow and coats the external ear canal and vertical ear canal.
No need to insert a syringe into the ear canal.
- Clean and dry the dog’s ears
- Shake the product well for 15 seconds before use. Remove the cap. Insert the syringe tip into the adapter.
- Draw the 0.8-ml dose into the syringe
- Place the tip of the syringe at the entrance of external ear and administer
- Massage the ear gently after application

Add MOMETAMAX ULTRA to your portfolio of MSD animal health products.

*It may take up to 4 to 6 weeks for maximum clinical response.
†Reduction of veterinary clinical ear scores in a masked randomised multicentre field trial in client-owned dogs with otitis externa in Germany, France and the Netherlands. Ear scores based on the OTIS-3 scale, an established clinical scoring system used in dogs with otitis externa to assess erythema, oedema, erosion and the presence of exudate. Each sign is evaluated on a scale of 0 (absent) to 3 (severe) and the OTIS-3 score calculated (maximum score of 12). In many trials evaluating otitis externa in dogs, an OTIS-3 score of 5 or more is required for inclusion. Each ear is assessed and scored at each visit, enabling the response to treatment to be assessed objectively. An OTIS-3 score of 5 or more is required for inclusion. Each ear is assessed and scored at each visit, enabling the response to treatment to be assessed objectively. An OTIS-3 score of 3 or less is considered a healthy ear.
Reference: 1. European Medicines Agency. Mometamax Ultra: EPAR – Product Information & Public Assessment Report. 2022.
For further information about side effects,
precautions, warnings and contra-indications please consult the product SPC,
packaging leaflets or MSD Animal Health, Red Oak North, South County Business
Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Ireland.
Tel: +353 (0) 12970220 Email: vet-support.ie@msd.com
Web: www.msd-animal-health.ie